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Gambling addiction may put lives at stake

China Daily USA | Updated: 2017-06-28 07:36

A WOMAN AND HER THREE CHILDREN died in a fire at their home in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, on Thursday. The nanny was subsequently arrested on suspicion of arson. Beijing News commented on Tuesday:

People are naturally asking why the nanny would start the blaze in the high-end residence in Hangzhou, especially since she was reportedly treated well by the family. Apart from a decent salary, the couple reportedly loaned her 100,000 yuan ($14,870) when she told them she needed the money to purchase a property in her hometown.

Some assume the couple's total trust in the nanny cost four lives, while some urged households to think twice before hiring a nanny. But the tragedy in Hangzhou, if it proves to be the act of the nanny, was because of her psychological issues not her job.

Gambling addiction may put lives at stake

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