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Trump's tough remarks recall the words of George W. Bush

By Wen Zongduo | China Daily | Updated: 2017-09-27 07:17

US President Donald Trump's high-pitched war of words with the leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un has only intensified since he threatened to "totally destroy North Korea" during his maiden speech at the UN General Assembly on Sept 19.

Despite UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warning "fiery talk can lead to fatal misunderstandings", Trump strayed far away from the UN Charter when he threatened the extinction of another nation if forced to defend the United States and its allies.

Moreover, at the hall where nations should be respected as equals, Trump named the DPRK as a "rogue regime", while reciting a list of nations the US isn't happy with for one reason or another, and complaining about "nations" who trade with them.

Trump's tough remarks recall the words of George W. Bush

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