
'China Wind' breezes into ROK

( ) Updated: 2014-07-03 09:42:01

'China Wind' breezes into ROK

The custom of pasting couplets on doors, which is a Chinese tradition, is maintained in Hehui village, Andong, South Korea, May 25, 2013. [Photo/Xinhua]

The institute, founded by Lee in 2012, has developed into the largest research institute on sinology in South Korea. The center, which has 14 resident research fellows, carries out long-term, systematic and comprehensive research on China, opening a window to Chinese culture for people in South Korea.

"China is a good neighbor and important partner of South Korea, and a significant factor South Korea has to consider while designing its future strategy," Lee said, adding that his institute is striving to serve as the "bridgehead" to the country's research on China.

Not long ago, the Sungkyunkwan Institute published a China Handbook that introduces Chinese politics, society, culture to South Korean readers.

They also translated Chinese President Xi Jinping's remarks on deepening reforms into Korean.

For Xi's upcoming visit to South Korea slated for Thursday and Friday, Lee was full of expectations.

He said the concept of "amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness" put forward by President Xi with regard to relations between Asian countries is highly relevant to South Korea-China cooperation. The concept, he said, should not only become the guidelines for Asia but also for the world.


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