
From soda to pop to distilled water

( Shanghai Star ) Updated: 2014-08-14 17:28:25

From soda to pop to distilled water

Photo provided to Shanghai Star

New water

The newly launched Aquarius natural soda water is the company's latest star product.

From soda to pop to distilled water

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From soda to pop to distilled water

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It comes from Baiquan village in Heilongjiang province. The water source rises to the earth's surface after many years of filtration, absorption, sedimentation and circulation underground.

The water is transparent and rich in ions and minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, bicarbonate and trace elements such as metasilicic acid.

The PH (acidity) value ranges from 8 to 9, and it is naturally carbonated. The water temperature remains between 2 and 5 degrees centigrade throughout the year, and there is no industrial pollution within 5,000 kilometers of the water source.

Uses of soda water

If you add soda water to alcohol, it is said to enhance the flavor and you won't get drunk as easily.

If you drink too much alcohol, two or three cups of the soda water can soften the effect and prevent a hangover.

Soda water can make rice taste better, when washed in it. And soda water is said to dissolve oil and eliminate redundant fat in the blood and body.

Cheng Sijia contributed to this story.

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