
Expert views on traditional village protection

By He Keyao ( ) Updated: 2015-03-10 09:54:59

Traditional villages, which carry both Chinese traditional culture and deep nostalgia, are disappearing in China at a marked rate in recent years. The fast economic growth of the country has brought both vitality and risk to its traditional culture, especially in the historical villages. Voices for the protection of these ancient villages grow louder over the years and relevant issues have been raised again at the ongoing annual two sessions. Let's hear what some of the experts and officials had to say on the issue.

Feng Jicai, famed writer, heritage campaigner and CPPCC member stressed that the current situation is very serious.

Expert views on traditional village protection

Feng Jicai, famed writer, heritage campaigner and CPPCC member[Photo/CCTV]

"The problem is much more serious than we imagined. We've lost more than 900,000 traditional villages in the past ten years. There is no other country that is losing its villages at such a pace."He said that the main problem is a lack of reasonable management and that the real power of protecting the village now lies with the local government, scholars and development traders, instead of the local people, which is problematic. He asked, if the farmers and local villagers move away, taking their traditions with them, then what value is there left in the village?

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