
Anchor cast aside after scandal

By Han Bingbin ( China Daily ) Updated: 2015-04-16 07:49:13

The video triggered heated discussion online and netizens' opinions remain divided. Some believe Bi has the right to freely express himself, while others think it's inappropriate to describe Mao in such a mocking way.

The video also led to reactions of another kind: Many netizens tried to determine who at the banquet, which included three foreigners, filmed Bi singing.

In a recent piece of commentary on Xinhua Daily Telegraph, affiliated with Xinhua News Agency, using Bi's case as an example a critic writes, "argots, vulgar and dirty talk should not be seen as a symbol of freedom of speech". As it becomes easier for us to express our opinions, he writes, words without the slightest scruples can only be said to the "tree holes" instead of ears of the public.

On April 8, CCTV made an official announcement saying that given the scale of influence Bi's words have had, it will investigate the matter and deal with the situation according to certain regulations.

The following day Bi posted a letter of apology on his personal weibo account, saying that he felt remorse and distress. He wrote that he will learn his lesson and be strict with his own behavior in the future.

Bi has since remained silent.

Bi's personal information has been removed from his profile page on CCTV's official website. There are no results when searching for Bi's name on the website. Local media quoted an anonymous inside source as saying that Bi has been suspended from his role and is currently under investigation.

There has been no indication from the TV station as to what will happen to Bi in the future.

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