
Pianist Lang Lang's Palace of Versailles dream comes true

By Chen Nan ( China Daily ) Updated: 2015-10-16 07:37:59

Pianist Lang Lang's Palace of Versailles dream comes true

Lang Lang plays Yellow River Piano Concerto in Beijing on Sept 3 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. LIN YI/ FOR CHINA DAILY

Chinese pianist Lang Lang records his new album at the Palace of Versailles, Chen Nan reports.

Chinese pianist Lang Lang is seeking to highlight a connection between Russian composer Tchaikovsky and Polish composer Frederic Chopin, both with ties to France, in his new album Lang Lang in Paris.

The album, which was released on Sept 25, was recorded in June at Salle Liebermann in Paris' Opera Bastille.

The pianist also gave an identical recital in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles a few weeks after the recording, which was filmed for sale on DVDs.

As one of the biggest stars in the world of classical music, Lang Lang, 33, has been constantly recording and performing at world-renowned venues, such as New York's Carnegie Hall, Vienna's Musikverein and London's Royal Albert Hall, over the past few decades.

But his dream has been to perform at the Palace of Versailles ever since his first visit to Paris in 2001.

"The sculptures, paintings and the surroundings of Versailles Palace, the view across the Seine River and the Notre Dame de Paris, everything is so inspiring and romantic in Paris," he told China Daily before the album was released.

Talking about nature's beauty, Lang Lang recalls a rainy day in late June, when he was recording his music at the palace and suddenly the sun came out, transforming the place.

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