
A glimpse of the upcoming Metropolitan Chinese painting exhibition

By Xu Jing ( ) Updated: 2015-10-16 16:39:42

A glimpse of the upcoming Metropolitan Chinese painting exhibition

Biographies of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru [Photo provided to]

Written by Huang Tingjian, a famous poet and calligrapher, the work is a master¬piece of cursive script writing. According to historic records, Huang believed that calligraphy should be spontaneous and self-expressive. Huang’s work transcribes a story of a rivalry between two officials, Lian Po, a distinguished general, and Lin Xiangru, a skilled strategist.

 Huang’s transcription ends abruptly with Lin’s words:"When two tigers fight, one must perish. I behave as I do because I put our country’s fate before private feuds."

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