
Chinese language instructors enjoy stay in Rwanda

( Xinhua ) Updated: 2015-12-04 14:55:17

Chinese language instructors enjoy stay in Rwanda

Rwanda students learn Chinese martial arts. [Photo/]

When he reached in Rwanda, everything looked new to him-- the food, language and culture. "It was my first time to be in Africa. When I come to Rwanda I was challenged by food, language and culture but later on I enjoyed."

"I overcame the challenge through interactions with Rwandans. I have started learning Kinyarwanda and my friends in Rwanda called me "Mucyo". I love the name; I have started communicating with my students in Kinyarwanda. Challenges inspire me to work harder and achieve my goals," he says.

Wen is proud to teach Chinese language and Kungfu to Rwandans and he is inspired by the student's passion to learn.

"So many people in Rwanda love Kungfu and Chinese language. I teach more than 300 students Kungfu and Chinese language. I am so proud of students who have managed to learn Chinese Language and Kungfu," he noted.

Another Chinese language instructor, Tian Minna, a 25-year-old and a graduate of foreign language from Chongqing Normal University is thrilled by her stay in Rwanda and she calls Rwanda her second home.

"I have been here for one year but I am enjoying my stay in this beautiful country. Rwanda is clean and green. I love the atmosphere and the people here in this country. They are very friendly and welcoming," she says.

The gentle soft-spoken young woman says that she had an anxious feel of having a language barrier throughout the whole tenure in Rwanda, but now she has started learning Kinyarwanda within a short period of time.

"It was my first time to be in Africa and the weather is amazing. Africa is a great continent with green environment. I have enjoyed staying in Rwanda and I consider the country as my second home town," she explains.

"I have been teaching Chinese language in the University of Rwanda-Butare but then I started teaching at the Confucius Institute at the University of Rwanda (College of Education)," says Tian.

"I had challenges with regards to food and language but now through socializing with Rwandans I have overcome the challenges. The relationship between China and Rwanda is nice and I consider Rwanda one of the most peaceful countries in Africa," she added.

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