
Chris Rock continues to serve hosting duties for Oscars

( ) Updated: 2016-01-25 14:11:29

Chris Rock continues to serve hosting duties for Oscars

Chris Rock on the poster of this year's Oscar Awards. [Photo/]

American actor and comedian Chris Rock will not drop out of hosting for the Oscars, as Academy Awards producer mentions he is now working hard on a whole new script.

The producer also told Entertainment Tonight that Chris Rock, who often addresses issues of race in his movies and stand-up, may deliver some "OscarSoWhite" jokes during the ceremony.

He adds that the Oscars are ready and excited for the comedian to do that, because that's what the public wants to see in the show.

Rock has earlier joked about the rising Oscar race issue, due to all 20 artists up for prizes being white, and only one non-white person, Mexican director Alejandro Inarritu, earning a best director nomination.

This has caused celebrities to pull out of this year's show, and Tyrese Gibson even encouraged Rock to withdraw from hosting duties.

However, most people believe Rock is the best person to address the controversy.

The 88th Annual Academy Awards will kick off at 8:30 pm Eastern Time on February 28.


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