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Man of many skills builds environmental legacy

By Liu Zhe and Zhang Yue (China Daily) Updated: 2016-10-04 08:54 Comments

Man of many skills builds environmental legacy

Migrating zebras in Botswana, 2008. [Photo by Luo Hong/Provided to China Daily]

Capturing unique moments

Yang Enpu, professor of photography at Beijing Film Academy, sees Luo Hong's photography as something out of the ordinary and unique.

"Luo's photos explore the beauty of the planet and nature," Yang said. "Unlike those who constantly snap away on their travels, Luo only presses the shutter when he sees something that he feels is truly worth capturing. As a result, his pictures are infused with a caring spirit."

To paraphrase Zhang Zao, a renowned painter from China's Tang Dynasty (618-907), the painting of natural scenes does not merely capture landscapes, but rather presents natural landscapes infused with the artist's personal understanding and feeling. Zhang believes only these types of works can be truly viewed as "artworks".

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