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'Land art' makes California a selfie center

Updated: 2017-03-24 08:52

'Land art' makes California a selfie center

Doug Aitken's Mirage house from the Desert X "land art" show in Coachella Valley, California. [Photo/Agencies]

A house clad in mirrors pops out of the California desert. It blends into the landscape, reflecting a kaleidoscope of the urban grid and arid valley of Palm Springs to the delight of photographers and selfie-seekers.

This is Doug Aitken's Mirage, one of the showstoppers of Desert X, an exhibition of 16 site-specific monumental works by international artists that spans southern California's Coachella Valley.

The works are mostly "land art", massive installations in nature. The exhibition includes a replica of assassinated president John F. Kennedy's nuclear shelter, a mirrored fence, a wall of optical effects, a traditional earthen shelter and an anti-social robot.

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