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Kid rides an ox to preschool as dad indulges in Sinology

CGTN | Updated: 2017-06-26 15:17

Kid rides an ox to preschool as dad indulges in Sinology

[Photo/Chengdu Business Daily]

But Li Li thinks differently, "Ox and donkey are relatively stable to ride on. Children nowadays are too spoiled, they should be taught to be courageous."

Fortunately, it has been safe so far. China's regulations do not forbid using horses, ox, or other animals for a ride on roads, but advise to walk on non-vehicle lanes.

However, animals on roads do pose safety threats to other people, so they are asked to leave if spotted by police.

On China's leading social media platform Weibo, people have expressed mixed opinions towards the news. User Shouxizhentan questioned, "is there any correlation between Sinology and riding an ox?"

While others show support to the father's way of teaching. User Banxianyeshixianle said, "Learning Chinese culture is better than playing online games. I am envious to the dad."

At the same time, commentaries from Beijing's Legal Daily and Henan Daily in Central China criticize the father saying following the lifestyle of ancient people is only a formality, which is not conducive to cultural inheritance.


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