
Extraordinary flowers and birds

By Lin Qi ( ) Updated: 2015-08-20 15:13:13

Extraordinary flowers and birds

Liu Lian's latest paintings of flowers and birds are on display at 798 art zone until Aug 21. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Seize the last few days to appreciate Liu Lian's latest paintings of flowers and birds at his solo exhibition, titled Extraordinary, at the First Sound Gallery, inside 798 art zone.

Under his strokes, Liu rejuvenates the technique and spirit of classical flower-and-bird paintings. His vivid and meticulous portrayal of the objects shows a serious attitude when observing the nature. Meanwhile he embraces a surrealistic method to humanize the birds with rich emotions. His paintings hence reflect poetic touch and scholarly persona which are cored to traditional literati painting.

The exhibition ends on Aug 21.


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