
Monet makes deeper forays

( China Daily ) Updated: 2016-03-08 08:46:49

Monet makes deeper forays

Visitors at the same multimedia Monet show in South Korea last year.[Photo provided to China Daily]

The Korean production company says in an e-mail to China Daily that audiences can "travel back" to Monet's hometown to see how he created his masterpieces.

Children can also play with golden fish in the ponds full of water lilies in Monet's painting.

Visitors can even "meet" Monet who will be seen painting beside them.

The show ran in South Korea last year and was successful, says the Korean company. The show will also tour Thailand and Japan.

"There are many companies globally producing such multimedia shows of Western masters. We bought it from the Korean company because it's good and the 'experience' part is a core aspect for Chinese audiences," says Hu Liangzi, general manager of Xiaochengbao, a company that stages children's plays in China.

Hu's company decided to buy the multimedia show after an exhibition of Monet's original paintings held at a Shanghai art museum inside a shopping mall created waves in 2014.

Hu says the company brought the show to China to attract families and offer them a different but interesting way to learn about art. She hopes this will take them to museums, which they often think are far removed from their daily lives.

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