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When art is a party

By Lin Qi | China Daily | Updated: 2017-08-29 07:23

When art is a party

[Photo provided to China Daily]

He decided to end the series in 2013.

He says he surrendered to fatigue, both physically and mentally.

"I thought at the beginning that the series would be a lifelong commitment. But, one day, when I woke up in the morning, I decided to end it. Through this series I have changed the world a little bit, and I feel comforted," he explains.

"I'm a good artist. That is enough for me."

The exhibition also showcases another of Zhao's oil works, My Garden, a self-portrait in which he stands behind a rail based on one in the residential community he lives in. Behind him is a blossoming garden. He gazes outside with a look of calmness and aloofness while wearing a black suit.

"There are so many forms of art right now. Still, I don't want to follow the trends. The only way for me to keep a distance from mainstream art is to pick up the brush."