Xiangtan to cooperate with 20 enterprises in 2012

( enghunan.gov.cn )

Updated: 2012-01-19

Xiangtan will focus on speeding up the cooperation with China's centrally and provincially administered state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to improve the supervision system of state-owned capital this year.

In 2011, Xiangtan developed cooperative ties with 21 central and provincial SOEs, with the contracted volume totaling 58.3 billion yuan. Great efforts will be made in 2012 to bring in an investment of 45 billion yuan from 20 such SOEs.

Providing sound investment and service environments this year, Xiangtan plans to unveil all-dimensional customized preferential policies for these SOEs. They will be based on the previous incentive policies to encourage more investments and to guarantee profits for enterprises.

In addition, the city will further promote the establishment of a database for customers and projects, and strengthen the communication among cities, counties, county-level cities and districts across the province. The information reporting system will also be set up to actively keep a comprehensive track on the cooperation with central and provincial SOEs. This will be an important reference for the Xiangtan municipal government in scientific decision-making.

enghunan.gov.cn hn.people.com.cn hunantv.com changsha.cn hunan.voc.com.cn rednet.cn hn.chinanews.com