Zhuzhou conferred as model city

( enghunan.gov.cn )

Updated: 2012-01-19

Zhuzhou conferred as model city

Zhuzhou was officially designated the Model City in Implementing National Trademark Strategy by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce (SAIC) on Jan 11.

Up to now, Zhuzhou boasted 8,193 registered trademarks, including 20 well-known Chinese Trademarks, 10 National Geographical Indication Trademarks, 154 Famous Chinese Brands and 207 ones registered in foreign countries.

According to "Opinions on Further Implementing Trademark Strategy" unveiled by the Zhuzhou municipal government recently, Zhuzhou will possess over 12,000 registered trademarks. This includes over 25 well-known Chinese Trademarks and over 200 Famous Chinese Brands by the end of 2015. The average annual growth rate for the application of trademark registration will reach over 10 percent.

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