Training for Chinese school principals abroad completed at Hunan Normal University

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Updated: 2012-01-21

Recently, the closing ceremony of the 2011 Training Course for Overseas Principals of Chinese School in Indonesia and US was held at the Tongcheng Lushan Hotel in Changsha.

Li Dazhi, vice president of Hunan Normal University and deputy director of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, and Yang Ling, dean of the International College of Chinese Language and Culture attended the ceremony.

Yang Ling concluded that she had firm faith in the bright future of Chinese language education with the guidance of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council and the cooperation of the teachers in this field at home and aboard, .

Certificates of completion were issued to the trainees, all of whom promised to apply what they have learned into their future teaching to spread the Chinese culture.

Li Dazhi congratulated everyone on the success of the training and hoped that via the training, the exchange and cooperation with overseas Chinese schools will be strengthened and the Chinese culture can be promoted worldwide.

Training for Chinese school principals abroad completed at Hunan Normal University
Training for Chinese school principals abroad completed at Hunan Normal University
Training for Chinese school principals abroad completed at Hunan Normal University
Training for Chinese school principals abroad completed at Hunan Normal University
