Kindness campaign improves community spirit

By Feng Zhiwei ( China Daily )

Updated: 2012-02-20

 Kindness campaign improves community spirit

Chen Run'er, Party secretary of Changsha, capital city of Hunan province, hands out a 'Lei Feng volunteer station' plaque to promote altruism in the city. Feng Jun / for China Daily

 Kindness campaign improves community spirit

A portrait of Lei Feng with an epigraph by the late Chinese Chairman Mao Zedong reading, 'Learn from Comrade Lei Feng'. Provided to China Daily

"Let me help you!" and "It's my pleasure."

These are phrases you frequently hear when visiting Changsha, capital city of Hunan province in Central China, as local government officials are carrying out campaigns to improve services.

Changsha is the hometown of Lei Feng, a People's Liberation Army soldier born in December 1940 who died at the age of 22. He is remembered nationwide as a man always willing to help others.

The spirit of Lei continues on.

"The man is a collective memory for the city and remains an everlasting model for people to learn from," said Chen Run'er, Party secretary of Changsha. "His spirit has become a symbol for our city."

The State-owned Changsha Taxi Co has distinguished itself for posting symbolic blue signs on top of each car and also because a "Lei Feng Team" was founded in November 2009 to provide extra services.

Drivers hand cards to passengers, which provide a name, contact information and a car number. Many pregnant women and patients were taken to the hospital in time.

Liu Guolian, an elderly woman living in a Changsha suburb who suffered from uremia, had been driven by the team free of charge to the hospital where she received dialysis treatment.

She died in July 2010. Her husband said the Lei Feng Team "had given her the greatest care in her last days."

During a peak time after the Chinese New Year holidays, many taxis were waiting at the exit of the railway station to offer free rides to returning migrant workers.

One can also find "Lei Feng Supermarkets" in Changsha, which are special stores since people do not sell or buy anything there. The shops are for residents facing financial difficulties. They can receive free goods and services such as medicines and repairs, along with free daily necessities that were donated by volunteers.

The first supermarket of its kind was opened in 2003 and another 240 shops are in operation now. Lei Feng Supermarkets had spread throughout the city with 160 stores located in grassroots communities and 80 in county or township centers.

In 2011, more than 300,000 people enjoyed benefits from these supermarkets, including 80,000 handicapped, 20,000 poor students and 90,000 elderly who live alone.

More than 3,000 volunteer organizations were founded in Changsha in the past 50 years, according to available statistics. There are more than 300,000 volunteers participating.

Many foreigners in the city have become volunteers as well. 37-year old Australian, Justin Anemaat, is considered one of the most outstanding.

The former architect and his wife Lisa are both volunteers at the International China Concern. They left Australia for Changsha more than 10 years ago. With the help of the government and others, they started an orphanage with 40 children. They maintain various activity facilities and a health center.

The team leader of foreign volunteers, Anemaat, said love is "beyond borders" and he will give love and care to more orphans.

He was elected one of the 10 Outstanding Young Persons in Changsha in 2008 and the first foreigner to win the award.

Kindness campaign improves community spirit

(China Daily 02/20/2012 page14)
