Education / News

Universities explore unique features under 'double first-class' plan

[2017-03-15 14:15]

Zheng Xiaojing, president of Xidian University and a CPPCC National Committee member
"To achieve the goal of building 'double first-class' universities , institutes of higher learning must improve their quality and strengthen their distinctive features."

CPPCC member: prioritize technical and vocational training for poverty relief

[2017-03-14 13:58]

Li Jian, CPPCC National Committee member and dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Beijing Institute of Technology

"Poverty can be reduced through educationand knowledge and skills can help lessen the burden of poverty."

University key to NE China revitalization, says NPC deputy

[2017-03-13 13:22]

“Colleges and universities have directly supported the development and construction of Northeast China.”

Plan to boost profile of vocational education in China

[2017-03-12 17:23]

China will take measures to improve vocational education and raise its profile among the general public, the education minister said today.

Tianjin Team Makes Breakthrough in Synthetic Yeast Project

[2017-03-10 12:15]

Led by Tianjin University (TJU) Professor Ying-Jin Yuan, TJU’s synthetic biology team has completed the complete synthesis of redesigned yeast chromosomes synV and synX with the two studies published in Science on March 10, 2017.

NPC deputy: Education sector in western region needs strong govt support

[2017-03-09 14:39]

Western regions are crucial to the Belt and Road Initiative, but these areas are less developed, always have had weak economic foundation as well as lack of talent compared with the eastern regions, and education is crucial to improving the shortage in skills.

'Historical opportunity' for regional college under new policy

[2017-03-08 15:35]

Song Chunpeng, a CPPCC National Committee member and vice president of Henan University said that the development of Central and Western China should primarily rely on cultivating talent within the region.

Discipline clusters will build first-class universities, says expert

[2017-03-08 11:03]

The speeding up of discipline cluster construction can boost the performance of colleges and universities in the new era. It helps to meet the new demands of the country.

Distinctive disciplines play key role in promoting university's global influence

[2017-03-08 10:27]

The implementation of 'double first-class' is a great opportunity for Henan to further develop its higher education.

Expert: Fight against school bullying a long battle

[2017-03-07 13:37]

Parents are responsible for teaching their children respect, empathy and right and wrong, which means raising awareness of parents should be taken seriously.

Experts share views to promote education reform

[2017-03-06 17:31]

Several research achievements regarding education of China were released during the 10th Beijing Changjiang Education Forum, on March 3 in Beijing.


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