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FM Spokesman: "Shanghai Five" Summit to be success
( 2001-05-31 19:16 ) (8 )

The Sixth Summit Meeting of the "Shanghai Five" scheduled for June 14-15 in Shanghai is bound to be a success through joint efforts of concerned parties, said Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhu Bangzao in Beijing Thursday afternoon.

When asked to talk about the topics of and his expectations for the Summit at the routine press conference, Zhu said that the meeting coincides with the beginning of the new century and the fifth anniversary of the founding of the "Shanghai Five" mechanism.

During the summit meeting, heads of states will have a comprehensive and in-depth exchange of views on the building up and development of the "Shanghai Five" mechanism, their future cooperation in such fields as security, economy and trade, and international and regional issues of common concern, Zhu said.

Meanwhile, they will make major strategic decisions and sign a series of documents of historical significance, in a bid to raise their good-neighborly friendship and cooperation to a new phase and a new level, added Zhu.

China, as the host, attaches great importance to the meeting and has made a great deal of preparations for the smooth convention and the substantial results of the meeting, noted Zhu.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin has invited President Vladimir Putin of Russia, President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan, President Askar Akayev of Kyrgyzstan, President Emomali Rakhmonov of Tajikistan, and President Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan to attend the summit.



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