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Chief of General Staff holds talks with Maltese guests
( 2001-06-04 21:07 ) (8 )

The Chinese government will solve the Taiwan issue according to the principles of "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems", but it will not undertake to renounce the use of force.

Fu Quanyou, Chief of General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), made the remark here when he held talks with Rupert C. Montanaro, commander of the armed forces of Malta.

The PLA has the determination, confidence and capability to safeguard the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity, he added.

This is Montanaro's first visit to China, and also the first visit by high-level officers of the Maltese armed forces since the two countries forged diplomatic ties in 1972.

Fu, also a member of the Central Military Commission, said Montanaro's visit marks an important event in Sino-Maltese relations, which will make a great contribution to the long-term development of friendly ties between the two armed forces.

He said that the two countries have maintained friendly and cooperative contacts since the establishment of diplomatic relations, adding that the frequent exchange of high-level visits has furthered their mutual understanding, friendship and trust.

Fu expressed his appreciation to Malta for its adherence to the one-China principle.

As an important component of bilateral relations, the ties between the two armed forces have also developed well, said Fu, adding that the Chinese military attaches importance to its relations with the Maltese military, and is willing to push the friendly relations forward in the new century.

Fu said that the current international situation is tending to ease, and peace and development are the mainstream of time. However, hegemonism and power politics still exist.

Lasting peace and development can be achieved as long as a just international political, economic and security order is built, and a new security consciousness, with mutual trust and benefit, equality and cooperation as its core, is established, he added.

Montanaro said that Malta and China have enjoyed sound relations although the two countries are far apart, adding Malta is ready to further its relations with the Chinese government and armed forces.

He reaffirmed that Malta, as always, will adhere to the "one- China" stance.



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