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Firecrackers, guns leave 72 hurt in Philippines New Year's run-up
( 2001-12-31 16:46 ) (7 )

Police patrols were stepped up ahead of raucous New Year celebrations in the Philippines which have already left 72 people injured from firecrackers and gunfire, officials said Monday in Manila.

Interior Secretary Jose Lina said he had ordered increased patrols to prevent the number of injuries rising.

Most of those hurt in the past week suffered burns and various other injuries from deadly illegal firecrackers while two were hit by stray bullets, Lina said.

"Heavily frequented areas are under monitoring by police. Also tonight, patrols will be roaming around those areas where historically there has been a high incidence of firecracker-related injuries," Lina said.

Lina said the policemen will be seizing powerful firecrackers although small ones which are virtually harmless will be allowed.

Policemen caught following Philippine tradition and firing their service firearms to greet the New Year will also be sacked and prosecuted.

"Again, we hope that statistics will not go up any further," Lina said. "The ideal situation is that there are no firecracker injuries at all, but we are fighting tradition here which has been with us for many many years."

The Philippines literally explodes into fiery celebration to greet the New Year in the belief that creating noise and setting off firecrackers will drive bad spirits away.

Lina noted however this year's initial figures appeared to be lower than the previous year, when one person was killed and at least 459 others were injured by firecrackers.

"We will do the best we can to contain the situation," Lina added.

Police are also on hightened alert for possible attacks, following the discovery last week of a powerful bomb in the financial district of Makati. The bomb, planted by still unidentified suspects, was safely detonated.



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