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Hu Jintao Strongly Advocates "Three represent's" Theory
( 2002-01-11 13:58) (Leading party members and gover)

Hu Jintao, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Friday called on the whole Partyand people to study Deng Xiaoping Theory and the "Three Represent's" theory so as to fulfill this year's tasks set for the country'sreform, opening and modernization drive.

At a national meeting of heads of the Party's provincial publicity departments, Hu said officials and ordinary people should be guided towards an understanding of the new thinking, viewpoints and conclusions in the July 1, 2001 Speech made by CPC General Secretary Jiang Zemin.

People should really understand that under the new historic conditions, adhering to the "Three Represent's" theory is to adhere to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, he stressed.

Hu, also China's vice president, called for unifying the thinking of the whole Party and the people to Deng Xiaoping Theoryand Jiang Zemin's "Three Represent's" theory, saying the unified thinking will provide a powerful ideological guarantee for accomplishing this year's tasks and the successful convening of the 16th Party Congress.

Hu said that the unified thinking of the whole Party and the people ensures their unified action, noting that the CPC has always given priority to and is good at having the people to thinkthe same. It is one of the Party's major advantages.

He stressed it is essential to bring this advantage into full play so as to ensure unified thinking to the whole Party and all the people, the implementation of the Party line and policies, andthe realization of China's great goal in the new century.

To study, publicize and implement Jiang's important July 1, 2001 speech and his "Three Represent's" theory is a fundamental job for the Party's publicity front and an important guarantee forguiding the whole Party and the people towards unified thinking.

"The news media are the mouthpiece of the Party and the people," he stressed, urging the media to work hard to publicize the Party line and its basic theories and guiding principles. He also called on the media to strengthen management and abide by the set disciplines.

He urged the publicity departments to help cadres and ordinary people understand the importance and inevitability of the reforms,as well as the policies and measures the Party and the government have taken to deal with difficulties and problems.

The publicity sector should help "bring the warmth of the Partyand the government to the hearts of all the people," he said.

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