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  Attractive show to light up the city
The electronicChina 2002 - an international trade fair for components, assemblies, electronics production and photonics technology - is expected to draw many leading international companies when it opens on March 12 at New Shanghai International Expo Centre. They will include companies such as Epcos, International Rectifier, Yamaha and Siemens.

Increasing imports in Pudong

Pudong New District did US$1.44 billion worth of import in the first month of this year, up 51.6 per cent from January last year. Sources from the Pudong Customs house said that in the past month, overseas financed businesses imported US$867 million worth of commodities, while State-owned enterprises imported US$571 million worth of commodities.

Some 72 per cent of the imported commodities are high-tech ones, including machinery and electronic products, integrated circuits, microelectronic components, automatic data treatment equipment and components. During the same period, the district exported US$840 million worth of commodities, up 4 per cent. Most of the exports were done by State-owned companies and overseas backed businesses in the district.

Oil-exploring vessel to begin work

Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipping Company began work on a 150,000-ton FPSO today. The vessel will play an important role in oil exploration with oil processing, storage and loading functionality. It is 262.2 metres long, 46 metres wide and 24.6 metres high, and is expected to be handed over next year. The shipbuilding base, with total investment of 3.214 billion yuan (US$387.2 million), is expected to complete 500,000 tons of boats by next October when its first phase is complete.

Insurance covers deputies

China Life Insurance Shanghai Office provided accident insurance for the 5th session of the 11th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, which was concluded on February 26 in Shanghai. According to the policy, the company insured against all accidents occurred to deputies and working staff during the meeting period. The highest insured amount valued at 30,000 yuan (US$3,623). Deputies can consult or provide suggestions about related services at inquiry offices set up inside the residing area.

BEA to launch new application

BEA Systems Inc, the world's leading application infrastructure software company, plans to introduce its BEA Weblogic Server to Shanghai to help local companies build, integrate and extend business applications across the entire value chain - customers, employees, partners and suppliers. The new server will offer numerous enhancements designed to strengthen infrastructure security, simplify enterprise and Web integration, speed application development and reduce the cost of application administration.

City to tighten approval system

The Shanghai Municipal government will further reform its administrative examination and approval system, by passing a regulation which makes those who approve economic projects responsible for any discredit which follows the decision. The regulation will also ensure those who are responsible for any improper approvals are punished.

Any administrative examination which does not separate the functions of the government from those of commercial interests, impedes the opening of the market and goes against fair competition, and in fact fails to play an effective role will be abolished.


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