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PLA's triumph needs people's backing
( 2003-05-29 10:56) (pladaily)

Born out of smoking battlefields, the doctrine that the PLA's triumph needs people's backing has again become relevant in the war against severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

In the fight against SARS,people's hearts have been beating to the rhythm of Xiaotangshan Hospital. "To be with Xiaotangshan" has become a voluntary, spontaneous action for the army and Beijing citizens.

The construction of Xiaotangshan Hospital, a 40.3-hectare, suburban SARS hospital, was made possible with the help from the society. In just seven days, 7,000 workers set up the epidemic hospital.

It took farmers living on the area only three days to prepare 500 mu (44.4 hectares) of farmland for the hospital's construction.

Logistic supplies were also reinforced with public support. A vegetable distribution center in Beijing's Changping District donated 5,000 kilograms of some 100 kinds of vegetables to the hospital every day. Chefs from 65 star hotels, including big names such as Beijing Hotel and Zhaolong Hotel also took part in.

The hospital's reception officer, surnamed Xia, developed a sore throat in answering donation calls.

A Beijing primary school student mailed 100 yuan and a letter expressing his appreciation for the medical staff from across the country who have undertaken the mission.

Another donation from someone who identified himself as "a veteran" of the East China's CityˇˇQingdao included a sentence on the remittance note: "Take care; I'm waiting for the triumphant news."

To ensure a good communications facilities, China Mobile phone company equipped the medical staff in Xiaotangshan Hospital with 1,000 mobile phones on the very day that a city communication system in Beijing became operational.

Beverages, fruits, medicine, medical equipment, protective clothing and other articles were also supplied by various sources.

"In times of crisis, people and the army sail a boat, hand in hand, to the symphony of a triumphant tune," reads the banner at the gate of Xiaotangshan Hospital - It is truly an embodiment of the Chinese spirit.ˇˇ

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