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Talents: key to army building
( 2003-06-06 10:52) (pladaily)

Today the PLA Daily carries an commentary entitled "Talents: key to army building", which says that a forum was held recently in Beijing on how to implement the important instructions of Jiang Zemin, chairman of the Central Military Commission, on bringing forth large number of military talents to push forward the military changes with Chinese characteristics and bring about leapfrog development in the modernization of the military.

To bring forth a large number of people of talent, pivotal to our Party's cause and the development of the military, is an issue of strategic importance. The people of talent are the key to the successful building and running of the army, and also the decisive factor for winning the war under modern high-tech conditions. Jiang Zemin pointed out whether we can win the future war and the army never degenerates, it is the people who are the decisive factor. Without high-quality military personnel, everything will be idle talk. Our army must consistently uphold the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of China, and always remain true to its nature, fine qualities and the style of work. To put it in a nutshell, we have to bring forth large number of high-caliber personnel in order to win a local war under modern high-tech conditions.

To regard the development of human resources as an issue of strategic importance is an important guarantee for accomplishing the historical tasks of military mechanization and IT application and brings about leapfrog development of the military modernization. Today competition in military field in the world is in essence a competition of high-quality human resources. In the future info-warfare, the contest between the two opposing sides is, in large measure, a contest of high-quality personnel. Therefore in order to rise to the challenge of new global military changes, and push forward the military changes with Chinese characteristics, great efforts must be made to cultivate large number of military talents for our army.

Cultivation of people of talent is not only a long-term task, but also a pressing issue at the moment. In recent years the army has been earnestly implementing Chairman Jiang's strategic thinking in this regard and scored marked achievements in nurturing large number of high-quality military personnel. At the same time we must also realize that we still fall far short of what Chiarman Jiang expects of us. Therefore we must put in more time and energy to earnestly study Chairmman Jiang's strategy for the development of human resources and fully understand its strategic significance.

Looking back on the course of development and reform of our army, we feel that Chairman Jiang always stands at the height of the times, keeps the overall situation in view, and has a deep insight into the development of new global military changes. Chairman Jiang pointed out that, in another 10 to 20 years, we should be able to turn out a contingent of commanders who have strategic foresight, can keep abreast with the trend of global military development, and have profound knowledge on how to command info-troops in info-warfare; bring forth a contingent of staff officers who are well versed in science and military knowledge and can put forward valuable proposals on military development; turn out a contingent of scientists who can stand at the cutting edge of science and technology to offer valuable suggestions and opinions on the development of new weapons and equipment and solve all complicated technical problems; and turn out a contingent of non-commissioned officers who have solid specialized knowledge and can skillfully operate their weapons.

At present the development of human resources is an urgent strategic task that demands the attention of leaders at different levels. Principal leaders at various levels should personally attend to the issue, and each department should fulfill its own duties in this regard and co-operate with all related departments so as to enable our army to foster more talents.

In conclusion, the commentary said that fostering more talents not only requires firm determination but also a scientific and down-to-earth attitude. All army units should adopt a scientific and pragmatic attitude and push forward the work of talent-fostering to a new height.

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