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Official: Preparations for 2008 Olympics well underway
( 2003-07-07 11:52) (Xinhua)

Secretary General of Beijing Organizing Committee for 2008 Olympics Games (BOCOG)Wang Wei was named the committe's Vice President on April 9. On June 20, he answered questions raised by Alvin Sallay, sports journalist from Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post.

Excerpts follow:

1. How has SARS affected the build-up to the Beijing Olympics?

A: Generally speaking, the 2008 Olympic Games is still 5 years away and we have plenty of time, so the outbreak of the SARS epidemic in Beijing has no serious influence on our work.

Technically, its impact can be felt in two respects:

Firstly, we had to hold off some international visits. In view of this situation, we set up a regular teleconferencing mechanism with the International Olympic Committee. Since May 8, we held fortnightly teleconferences with the IOC to conduct consultations on the preparations. The channels for exchange of information and working contacts with the IOC and other international sports federations remain open.

Secondly, we had to postpone some planned events, including the official presentation of the emblem for the 2008 Olympic Games, which was originally scheduled on May 25, and the launch of the marketing development plan. Other aspects of the preparations, such as the preparatory works leading to the start of the construction of important venues, are proceeding smoothly as scheduled and in an orderly manner.

I think the SARS situation has made us more aware of the potential challenges and risks in the build-up to the 2008 Olympics. To better prepare ourselves for similar emergencies, we have proceeded to study the possible risks that the Beijing Olympics may encounter and will build a complete set of early-warning and rapid-response systems. Our Medical Service Department will be established sooner than planned to further strengthen our co-operation with the IOC Medical Department.

2. The official launch of the Games logo and the marketing campaign was postponed due to SARS. When will the new launch take place? Has the delay caused problems, and if so what?

A: It depends on the containment of SARS in Beijing. According to the current situation, I'm quite confident that it won't be too long before the two events take place. The delay caused no practical problems regarding the two events.

3. Has Beijing's image been tarnished by the outbreak of SARS?

A: It depends on how you look at it. Indeed, Beijing is the city hit the hardest by SARS. But I think through the handling of the crisis, the government of Beijing has emerged with a more open and responsible image. The firm and effective measures it has taken to contain the disease have gained international recognition. Senior WHO officials are quite positive about Beijing's work in fighting SARS. The results are encouraging. The travel advisory against Beijing is expected to be lifted soon. I'm confident Beijing, after its triumph over SARS, will showcase more vitality in its development and win more confidence of the international community in general.

4. What measures will the Central Government take to ensure that SARS does not occur again. And would another outbreak, say next year, jeopardize the Olympics?

A: Currently, medical scientists around the world are working hard to study the sources of the disease and develop specific drugs and anti-SARS vaccines. The odds are it may make a comeback - I mean there could be sporadic cases here and there in the world, but I'm confident there won't be another outbreak, at least it won't reach the stage where it is called an outbreak. I'm optimistic.

5. What stage has the construction of the National Stadium and other facilities reached? When it will all be over?

A: The conceptual design of the National Stadium has been decided. Its construction will start by the end of this year. Other facilities that will be launched within the year include the National Swimming Centre, the Beijing Indoor Shooting Range and the velodrome in western Beijing. Construction of the other venues will start mid next year.

6. What will Beijing do to re-launch itself after SARS? Are any major events, sporting etc planned in the near future to show the world everything is back to normal?

A: Life is getting back to normal in Beijing. You can really feel the pulse of the city now. People are crowding the streets, the shopping centers, the restaurants, the subways and the buses. Entertainment facilities are re-opening. Beijing is more dynamic now after a month-long sluggishness. We are going to launch the official emblem and the marketing development plan in the near future. Other events that are being planned include the Beijing Hi-Tech Expo, the Beijing-Hong Kong Forum and the Olympic Cultural Festival.

7. In light of SARS, has it become more important for Chinese athletes to do well at international meets, for example next years Olympics in Athens?

A: Well, SARS or not, Chinese athletes have always made every effort to achieve good results in their competitions, for honour and for sportsmanship. I will give you some recent examples. The Chinese table tennis players won four out of the five gold medals from the 47th World Championships in France in May. The Chinese Mountaineering Expedition conquered once again Mount Qomolangma on May 21 to mark the 50th anniversary of human beings' successful ascent of the world highest peak. The Chinese women's volleyball team presented some equal achievements. It claimed the title of the 2003 Montreux VolleyMasters and finished runners-up behind Russia at the President Cup.

8. What is your dream with regard to the Beijing Olympics?

A: In my current capacity, it is my biggest dream that Beijing will host an excellent Olympic Games in 2008, through the joint efforts of the IOC, the IFs, the NOCs and my colleagues in BOCOG and with the support from the Chinese Central Government, the Beijing Municipal Government and all Chinese citizens.

By "an excellent Olympic Games," I mean a perfect Opening Ceremony, an excellent organization of competitions, great celebration of the Olympic City, memorable experience with our outstanding volunteers, comfortable environment and remarkable services to the athletes, the media and the audience and an enjoyable immersion in our rich cultural heritage for visitors.

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