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Broaden talent cultivation channels
( 2003-07-10 10:50) (PLA Daily)

To implement talent cultivation strategy project and accelerate talent cultivation, we must broaden talent cultivation channels by adopting multiple-forms and making full use of various resources, and strive to form a new talent cultivation structure, in which military education is combined with national education, elementary education linked with continued education, college education complemented with army training, and cultivation within the army combined with training outside the army.

In today's world, the military competition increasingly becomes a competition in military high technology and military talents. And talent competition, in a sense, is a competition in education and cultivation. Whoever is able to tap all available channels of education, will seize a critical opportunity and take the lead in talent cultivation. In an information-oriented society, cultivating talents behind closed doors, just like, so to speak, making a cart behind closed doors, will not be able to bring forth high-quality personnel. All military powers in the world regard broadening talent cultivation channels as an important approach to enhance the quality of the servicemen. In order to rise to the challenge of the global new military changes and push military changes with Chinese characteristics, we must also broaden talent cultivation channels and to accelerate IT application. Chairman Jiang of the Central Military Commission requires us to select and cultivate high-quality personnel in a wider scope, showing us clearly the way forward in our military talent cultivation work from an overall and strategic height.

To broaden the channels for cultivating military talents, military colleges must function as the main channel. As the base for military talent cultivation, military colleges bear arduous tasks and important responsibilities in implementing talent cultivation strategy project. With the expansion of military cadre cultivation by relying on non-military universities and colleges, military colleges must pool their human and material resources to do a good job of military education, and gradually increase the proportion of continued education for cadres. Command colleges at intermediate or high level must enroll more leading cadres for training, actively develop joint running of schools, do a good job of interdisciplinary, and exert themselves to enhance composite quality of the leading cadres and their capabilities to command combined operation. Excellent young cadres should be provided with future-oriented training and follow-up cultivation. In polytechnic colleges and related scientific research institutes and manufacturers, specialized technical personnel training classes should be offered so as to cultivate technical backbone urgently needed by the army to operate newly acquired advanced equipment. All colleges must strictly carry out relevant rules and regulations laid down by the Central Military Commission so as to ensure that educational resources are fully used for cultivation of military talents.

Chairman Jiang pointed out that we must explore the approach of talent cultivation by the army combined with national education. To broaden talent cultivation channels, we must actively draw support from social educational resources. For a long time, our military cadre cultivation lack full use of social educational resources. That is an important cause for hindering the enhancement of overall quality of our military personnel. Compared with military colleges, local regular institutions of higher learning, especially national key universities and colleges, have high-quality teaching staff, advanced teaching facilities and methods, extensive information exchange channels and strong innovative capability. By closely combining education within the army with reliance on national education, we can optimize allocation of educational resources in a wider scope, and enhance our military personnel cultivation quality. The rapid development of national education and technology provides a favorable condition for the military to cultivate high-caliber military personnel; therefore we must seize the opportunity and make full use of social educational resources.

The army is a large school itself. To enhance the quality of cadres, besides college education, other forms of cultivation and training should also be adopted. We must do a good job of training cadres into talents while they are working at their posts. We must advocate and encourage self-study among cadres to enhance their overall knowledge. Leaders at all levels must pay attention to passing on experience, helping and guiding new hands in their work, that is, through methods of veterans guiding new hands, and the strong helping the weak, to improve the actual working capacity of young cadres and enhance their qualities to deal with various complex situation. We must place cadres, especially excellent young cadres, at important posts and temper them in hard conditions so that they can get tempered and enhance capabilities in practice.

Allowing cadres to go abroad for study, or study tour, is an important channel for talent cultivation under the new situation. To implement talent cultivation strategy, and to cultivate a large number of high-quality new military talents, we must gear to the needs of modernization, of the world and of the future. We must have the overall situation and long-term development of army building in view, let going abroad for study and study tour become an effective way to accelerate talent cultivation, and subsume it into the overall plan of military talent cultivation plan. At the same timeˇˇwe must constantly sum up experiences, gradually improve and perfect the relevant rules and regulations and push the work of talent cultivation to develop in a steady and healthy way.

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