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China to accept GMO Import Ctf applications from end of July
( 2003-07-11 16:56) (Agencies)

China's Agriculture Ministry will start accepting applications for safety certificates to import crops containing genetically modified organisms at the end of July, a ministry official said Friday.

The applications will allow arrivals of foreign soybean cargoes after Sept. 20.

"We will start accepting such applications at the end of this month," said the official from the GMO Safety Regulation Office.

Some market participants said the Agriculture Ministry will start accepting applications starting July 20, but the ministry official said he couldn't confirm if that is the date.

Under China's strict interim GMO rules, domestic importers and foreign suppliers have to apply for GMO safety certificates and labeling permits from the Agriculture Ministry, as well as quarantine permits from the Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine before contracts can be signed and cargoes unloaded.

Although Agriculture Ministry officials had confirmed earlier that the interim GMO rules have been extended until April 20, 2004, from Sept. 20 this year, the lack of an official notice had kept soybean importers on edge. The government had earlier refused to accept certificate applications for foreign soybean cargoes arriving after Sept. 20.

China has said it is implementing interim GMO rules for now, as it needs time for additional field trials of GMO strains before permanent rules can be drawn up.

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