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Delegates to ASEM Ministers' meeting arrive in Dalian
( 2003-07-22 14:26) (Xinhua)

As of 8 p.m. Monday, a total of 12 delegations to the upcoming 5th ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Economic Ministers' Meeting had arrived in Dalian, in northeast China's Liaoning Province.

A number of flights were affected by heavy fog, which began to cover the city Sunday night. Despite the adverse weather conditions, the 12 delegations, including those from Brunei, the Republic of Korea, Sweden, Austria and Ireland, have landed in Dalian.

The Brunei delegation, led by Minister of Industry and Primary Resources Abdul Rahman, arrived at the Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport at noon on Monday.

Asia and Europe will develop even closer bonds in the fields of economics and politics through this meeting, said Mr. Lars-Olof Lindgren, the director general for Trade of Sweden, shortly after arriving at the airport with his delegation.

"I believe we will have a good discussion and contact," said Mr. Michael Ahern, the minister for Trade and Commerce of Ireland. He said he believes that the meeting will be "productive."

The ASEM, initiated in 1996, is composed of the 15 European Union countries, seven ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries, the Republic of Korea, Japan and China.

Over 300 delegates from those countries will participate in the ministers' meeting, which will be held in Dalian on July 22-24.

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