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3Com/License: still awaits China license approval
( 2003-07-23 10:57) (Agencies)

3Com Corp. received export license approvals from the US and the UK to license its technologies with joint venture partner Huawei Technologies Co.

However, the venture still needs to secure the final remaining approval from China, where the company plans to station its principal operations.

In a press release Tuesday, the networking equipment maker said the joint venture will sell computer-networking equipment to businesses worldwide.

In March, the companies announced they would form the joint venture to challenge market leader Cisco Systems Inc.

Recently, Cisco, Huawei and 3Com have been embroiled in an intellectual property dispute after Cisco sued Huawei in January for allegedly copying software. Earlier this month, 3Com successfully intervened in the case, allowing the companies to sell products that are not related to the suit.

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