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    Cross-sea bridge plan set for fast track
(HK Edition, GANG BIAN, China Daily staff)

Plans for a bridge linking Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao are set to be fast-tracked as the central authorities have recognized its urgency, Chief Secretary Donald Tsang said in Beijing yesterday.

Tsang led a delegation to the capital on Wednesday and held a meeting with central government officials on the co-ordination of major infrastructure projects yesterday.

At the meeting, Zhang Guobao, vice-minister of the State Development and Reform Commission (SDRC), expressed support for the project and acknowledged the urgency and necessity of the building of the bridge after listening to feasibility reports.

The SDRC will submit the plan for the project to the State Council for further scrutiny and final approval.

It is expected that an announcement will be made at the Hong Kong/Guangdong Joint Conference on August 5.

Tsang said that the bridge will boost economic development in the region and bring Hong Kong more convenience and opportunities.

Edmund Ho, chief executive of the Macao SAR, was quoted by Cable TV as saying yesterday that the bridge would benefit Macao as well as the Pearl River Delta at large in the long run.

The SDRC, Guangdong Province, Macao and Hong Kong have all agreed to a Y-shaped design, which links up Hong Kong with Macao and Zhuhai, Donald Tsang said.

The bridge will connect San Shek Wan in western Lantau Island in the east with Gongbei of Zhuhai and Macao in the west.

Upon completion, the new bridge will shorten the travelling distance between Zhuhai and Hong Kong by 30 kilometres and travelling time by 30 minutes.

Tsang said that the construction work of the bridge will be put to open tender in compliance with international practice.

At the same meeting, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link was also discussed. However, there was no conclusion over routing and construction work.

The joint working session yesterday, which was also attended by Secretary for Environment, Transport and Works Sarah Liao, was to prepare for the joint conference with Guangdong next month.

The Hong Kong delegation returns to the SAR today.

(HK Edition 08/01/2003 page2)

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