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South China city uses garbage to generate electricity
( 2003-09-03 11:37) (Agencies)

Construction on a garbage-burning power plant is progressing smoothly in Guangzhou, capital of south China's Guangdong Province, and the plant is expected to go into operation at the end of 2004.

Launched in December last year, the 725 million yuan (87.66 million US dollars) Likeng garbage-burning power plant will be able to treat 1,000 tons of domestic waste daily, or one-sixth of the total garbage the city produces daily.

With an installed generating capacity of 20,000 kilowatts, the power plant will be able to generate 130 million kwh of electricity annually upon completion.

Part of the garbage-burning equipment will be provided by Mitsubishi of Japan and the Martin Company of the United States. The power plant will introduce Belgian technologies to purify fumes produced by garbage burning.

Lu Zhiyi, deputy director of Guangzhou City Environmental Protection Bureau, said that the content of dioxin in the treated fumes will be up to the European standard.

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