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Jiang Yuntian: an outstanding chief engineer
( 2003-09-18 16:19) (PLA Daily)

A brigade of the Second Artillery Force is stationed in a forest area in northern China. Missiles of new types are being tested here. Recently, another type of missiles successfully passed tests whose firing range amounts to 1,000km.

 After the missile hit the target hundreds of kilometers away, officers and men happily gathered around Jiang Yuntian, chief engineer of the brigade of the Second Artillery Force and also commander of live-fire test, to offer their congratulations. This was the 11th successful test, he was greatly relieved and smiled.

A few years ago, after his missile test and training center was established, Jiang led a team of elite technicians to manufacturing factory to conduct follow-up study of their products. They lived in a very small room in the factory and worked around the clock to compile operational training manuals and regulations, which are required by technical support given to missile troops.

After he took up the position as the chief engineer, he continued to work hard at studying and acquiring knowledge about new weapons. For example, on a mission to an experimental base of the General Armaments Department, he spent a whole night in a data room consulting technical data in order to solve a technical problem after a day of work. He actually slept there that night.

Towards the end of the last year, he took charge of looking after technical qualities of some new weapons to be introduced to the troops. A set of equipment was found not up to standard according to the criteria set by the manufacturer. Jiang Yuntian found that the inadequate cooling time was the cause. After careful examination, he had the weapon repaired in a very short time, which greatly surprised experts present.

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