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China's distribution reforms help up income levels
( 2003-11-04 10:57) (Xinhua)

The average income of Chinese employees has gained an annual increase of 14.8 percent during the past decade, thanks to deeper reforms of the country's income distribution system, according to Tuesday's China Daily.

The rapid growth has resulted from market-oriented reforms and gradually abandoning of Daguofan policies (the egalitarian practice of everyone sharing from the same pool of resources), said Wang Dongjin, vice minister of Labor and Social Security.

China used to see its incomes distributed in an equal-share-for- all manner, which dampened people's enthusiasm for better performance and held back the progress of productive forces, said the English-language newspaper.

Since the early 1980s, the system has been under gradual and steady restructuring, together with the country's reform and opening-up drive, according to the newspaper.

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