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China, Lesotho to expand cooperation
( 2003-11-07 21:45) (Xinhua)

China attaches great importance to its friendship with Lesotho and is willing to expand bilateral cooperation in various fields between the two sides, said Premier Wen Jiabao Friday.

In a meeting with visiting Lesotho Foreign Minister Mohlabi Tsekoa, Wen reaffirmed China's stance that countries, no matter large or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, were all equal members of the international community.

All countries should support each other and be treated equally, he added.

Tsekoa said the Lesotho government adhered to the one-China policy, and was actively engaged in its comprehensive cooperation with China.

He spoke highly of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum for its vital role played in strengthening the China-Africa cooperation with mutual benefit.

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