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High-tech war and fighting spirit
( 2003-11-28 14:03) (PLA Daily)

Some people believe that war in future will be war of high-tech weaponry confrontation. So long as you possess high-tech knowledge and means, victory can be won just by pressing electric buttons or tapping keys on keyboard. Therefore, heroic and staunch fighting spirit is no long important. Obviously such argument does not hold water.

Though high-tech wars have greatly changed operational pattern and the ways war are conducted, they have not changed the fact that it is the people who are the decisive factors in war. Among all human factors, such as military quality, fighting skills, determination, state of mind and others, the fighting determination and the morale of the troops are not only the catalysts for generating fighting power, but also an important part of fighting power. An analysis of modern wars will prove the fact that the more advanced the technology, the higher demand would be set upon the persons who operate them. As the high-tech weapons have greater killing and destructive power, it requires the combatants all the more to have staunch fighting spirit. The practice has proved that high-tech wars are not only a contest of high-tech weaponry and equipment, but also a contest of strategy, technical skills, wisdom and courage between the two opposing sides.กก

As the old Chinese saying goes: An army can survive the absence of a commander-in-chief, but a common soldier should have unswerving determination. If an army does not have spiritual stimulation and high morale, its fighting power will be greatly reduced. One of the reasons why modern wars lay more stress on psychological warfare is because it can destroy the spirit and determination of the opposing side. Under certain circumstances, "soft killing power" of psychological warfare can be more effective than pure "hard military strikes". It will be virtually impossible for troops with soldiers that have no strong faith, no heroic spirit of fearing no death, to achieve ideal combat results even if it is equipped with sophisticated weapons.กก

Spirit comes from the test of hardships. Heroic fighting spirit, though displayed at wartime, should be cultivated at peacetime bit by bit. In this respect, we should not only study and absorb the past valuable experience, but also bring forth new ideas in contents and forms in the light of new reality, so as to put them into practice in various aspects of army building, and provide powerful spiritual power for winning local wars under high-tech conditions in the future.

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