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Iraqis celebrate reported capture of Saddam
( 2003-12-14 20:10) (Agencies)

Iraqis wave flags in the streets of Baghdad after learing the news that former Iraqi president SAddam Hussein had been captured alive by American forces near his hometown of Tikrit Sunday Dec. 14 , 2003. [AP]
Ordinary Iraqis have fired into the air and taken to the streets of some cities in Iraq to celebrate reports that Saddam Hussein has been captured.

Volleys of automatic rifle fire echoed across Baghdad as Iraqis drove around town honking their car horns and giving the V for victory sign, witnesses said on Sunday.

In the northern city of Kirkuk in the Kurdish north, thousands took to the streets to celebrate. Similar scenes were reported in the mainly Shi'ite southern port city of Basra.

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