Security situation in the world (2003-07-09 10:47) (pladaily) National defence policy (2003-07-09 10:47) (pladaily) National defense building (2003-07-09 10:47) (pladaily) Armed forces building (2003-07-09 10:46) Arms control and disarmament (2003-07-09 10:46) (pladaily) International security cooperation (2003-07-09 10:46) (pladaily) Participation in UN peacekeeping operations (2003-07-09 10:46) (pladaily) Participation in security consultations in 2001-2002 (2003-07-09 10:46) (pladaily) Military exchanges in 2001-2002 (2003-07-09 10:46) (pladaily) Main military laws and regulations issued since 2000 (2003-07-09 10:46) (pladaily)