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    How to get the best out of college years
( HK Edition, )

Li Jingkor (Guangdong): I'm a senior college student. I haven't reached the objective I set for myself when I was a freshman. There are so many things unfinished.

How to get the best out of college yearsI remember that the hero in the US movie "Graduate" said "I want my life to be different." Four years is not enough for anyone to become somebody. But it is enough to experience life and cultivate belief.

Stella (Shanghai): Without the pressure of entering higher schools, it's quite possible for college students to find various excuses not to study hard. But the years from 19 to 23 are so precious to people.

They should devote themselves heart and soul to their studies to get ready for the future. Learning actively and systematically will give them more than part-time jobs or enjoying romance will.

Yolando (Shandong): I think the real meaning of today's university students is to learn what is really useful for themselves.

Teachers and schools can only show the direction, and we ourselves should learn things that will make ourselves survive in the future. This learning is active, not passive.

Anonymous: The current testing system makes students lose interest in study. Before the exams, the review materials are distributed to indicate what will be tested. Any one who may fail the exam has extra scores added, because teachers want to avoid the trouble of re-examining.

It is no surprise that students will never fear exams. So they can indulge themselves completely in extracurricular activities.

Ymz (Jiangsu): As a university graduate, I have some advice for current college students. At college, you should use your time for study. Set a target first. If you already have one, don't waste your time, go ahead.

College is also a small society from which you can gain experience similar to that of broader society. Don't spend time on social activities in order to earn money. "Fill your head first, then fill your pocket," as Wang Xuan said.

Zhao Yibo (Beijing): Compared with college students of the 70s and 80s, we are not "God's favoured ones" in the ivory tower. And study doesn't only mean learning from textbooks but also from society. We should cultivate a capacity to cope with difficulties and learn how to get along with people.

To some extent, college is more important for us to build our value system and learn to fix our position.

(HK Edition 07/31/2003 page1)

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