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Jet Li, Jackie Chan to develop Hollywood picture
Updated: 2001-07-20 10:20

Two of Hong Kong's top action stars, Jackie Chan and Jet Li, will join forces for the first time to develop a project for Revolution Studios, a studio spokeswoman said on Thursday.

The two agreed to develop the project with California-based Revolution, and they hope the two will star in the movie, she said. Filming could start toward the end of next year.

Revolution said that the movie, if it gets off the ground, will likely be an action film with dialogue in English that would be distributed globally.

"The pairing of these two stars and talent is an exciting opportunity for Revolution," the spokeswoman said.

Li is one of the hottest of the new generation of Hong Kong martial arts stars, and Chan is the king of the Hong Kong genre. Both have taken their high-flying martial arts skills to Hollywood where they have scored big with audiences.

In an upcoming movie, Li, who broke into the US market with "Lethal Weapon 4" (1998) and "Romeo Must Die" (2000) will play an assassin in Chinese-language period epic "Hero", written and to be directed by Zhang Yimou ("The Road Home" and "Raise the Red Lantern"), about a relationship between Li's character and China's first emperor, played by Jiang Wen.

Revolution plans to release an action movie starring Li called "The One" in November, the spokeswoman said.

Chan, known worldwide for scores of Hong Kong-style martial arts films with English titles like "Marvelous Fists" (1982) or "Crime Story" (1993) said he will begin shooting in September a film called "Tuxedo" which Steven Spielberg, the Oscar-winning director of films like "Schindler's List", will produce.

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