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US official on second round six-party talks
Updated: 2004-02-17 01:01

A senior US official Monday reiterated the US position on the nuclear issue of the Korean peninsula, urging "the complete, verifiable and irreversible dismantling of all North Korea's nuclear weapons programs".

John Robert Bolton, Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs, said that only in this context, "can the US give them the insurance consistent with what President Bush has previously said."

Bolton made the remarks during a visit to Beijing to continue dialogues with the Chinese side on issues of common concern.

Bolton said that the US delegate will arrive in Beijing next week for the second round of six-party talks, and there will be no change on the US position.

The second round of six-party talks is scheduled to begin in Beijing on Feb. 25, attended by China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), the United States, the Republic of Korea(ROK), Russia and Japan, aiming to seek solutions to the Korean peninsula nuclear issue.

Bolton said he was "neither optimistic nor pessimistic" about the upcoming talks, and he thought there are "many issues to discuss" between the US and the DPRK.

Bolton held talks with Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Zhang Yesui Monday morning, and talked with Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi in the afternoon.

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