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Japanese still top dog of competitive eating
Updated: 2004-07-05 14:35

He came, he ate, and he conquered ... again. Takeru "Tsunami" Kobayashi of Japan downed a world-record 53 and a half hot dogs in 12 minutes, blowing away his rivals for the fourth year in a row.

Eric 'Badlands' Booker (L) and Takeru Kobayashi, shown here during the 2003 hot dog eating contest at Coney Island in New York City. Kobayashi won for the fourth time eating a world-record 53 and a half hot dogs in 12 minutes. [AFP]
The surprisingly diminutive 26-year-old Japanese "gurgitator" successfully retained the Mustard Yellow Belt -- the World Cup of competitive eating -- at the annual July 4 Nathan's Famous hot dog eating event in New York's Coney Island.

Using his trademark "Solomon technique" -- breaking the wieners in half before wolfing them down -- the 132-pound Japanese easily surpassed his own 50-and-a-half-dog record, which he set in 2002.

"I could have done a lot, a lot more," a clearly delighted Kobayashi said afterwards. "I will come back next year and try and break the record once again."

It was a one-two finish for Japan, with Kobayashi's countryman, Noboyuki Shirota, taking the second spot after consuming a comparatively abstemious 38 hot dogs.

American Sonya "The Black Widow" Thomas, weighing in at a mere 100 pounds (45 kilograms), placed third with a total of 32 dogs, shattering the women's world record and restoring some pride to the host nation, which has had to cede its traditional dominance of the event since Kobayashi burst onto the scene.

Thomas, 36, only began competitive eating one year ago, but regularly out-devours men four times her size, like the 420-pound Eric "Badlands" Booker who came in fourth.

"I'm feeling pretty full," Booker said afterwards, adding that a touch of gastric reflux had slowed down his pace on the day.

"I had a problem with getting a burp out," said Booker, who paid gracious tribute to the winner's record-setting performance.

"Kobayashi is awesome ... but we Americans aren't going to stop until we bring the belt back from Japan."

Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Competition has been held every year at Coney Island since 1916.

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