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Beauty contest held for seniors
Updated: 2004-08-04 17:26

Beauty contests are no longer only for the young.

This month all Shanghai residents over the age of 55 will be invited to take part in a nationwide competition to display their own charm and elegance, known as the first China Beauty of the Elderly Contest.

"Different from the traditional beauty contests, which focus on the contestants' appearance, this competition is specially designed for the aged, trying to display to the public their healthiness, intelligence and optimism toward life," said Yang Keping, vice director of the Shanghai Foreign Exchange Center for Aging. "Leading a healthy life physically and mentally will be the most important virtue in the winner."

Participants will be judged on their health, knowledge and life experiences, appearance and manners, as well as cultural and artistic achievements.

Winners of the preliminary stage, which is to be arranged separately in some 30 different provinces and cities including Shanghai, will go into the second round and then the final in Beijing in early October.

Seniors above the age of 55, who speak good Chinese Mandarin and have an artistic talent, will be qualified as contestants, according to the contest's organizing committee.

Gui Shixun, vice chairman of the Shanghai Research Center on Aging, questions the value of the event.

"I'm wondering in which way the healthiness of the old people can be highlighted on the stage," he said. "To call for wider social concerns for the elderly, I believe the beauty contest is neither the only nor the best way."

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