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Clinton recovering after bypass surgery
Updated: 2004-09-07 14:18

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton was recovering after a quadruple heart bypass operation to relieve arteries so severely clogged that they posed imminent danger of a major heart attack.

His heart disease was extensive, with blockages in some arteries "well over 90 percent," said Dr. Craig R. Smith, the surgeon who led the four-hour operation at New York Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia on Monday.

Dr. Craig R. Smith, chief of the Division of Cardiothoracic surgery at the New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center uses a model of a human heart to explain to reporters the heart bypass surgery he performed on former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Monday, Sept. 6, 2004, in New York.[AP]

"There was a substantial likelihood that he would have had a substantial heart attack," said Dr. Allan Schwartz, chief of cardiology. Doctors called Clinton's operation successful and said his return to full health will take weeks.

The former president also had high blood pressure and may not have been adequately treated for high cholesterol. His doctors said he was put on a cholesterol-lowering drug a few days ago. Clinton was prescribed cholesterol medicine in 2001 as he was leaving office.

This 31 May,1999, file photo shows then US President Bill Clinton. Clinton was admitted to a New York City hospital 03 September, 2004, where he will undergo heart bypass surgery.  [AFP/File]
"These past few days have been quite an emotional roller-coaster for us," Clinton's wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, said in a statement. "The president's optimism and faith will carry him through the difficult weeks and months ahead — of that we have no doubt."

The 58-year-old former president went to the hospital late last week after complaining of chest pain and shortness of breath, but doctors revealed Monday that he'd had these symptoms for several months. They said he had blamed them on lapses in his exercise routine and acid reflux.

It was finally discovered that the problem was his heart after one episode occurred while he was resting and lasted longer than before, they said. Clinton could leave the hospital in four or five days.

In bypass surgery, doctors remove one or more blood vessels from elsewhere in the body — in Clinton's case, two arteries from the chest and a vein from the leg — and attach them to arteries serving the heart, detouring blood around blockages.

Schwartz said it would be possible for Clinton in the future to lead an "extraordinarily active lifestyle" — including hitting the campaign trail to promote Democrats running this year.

Dr. W. Randolph Chitwood, chief cardiovascular surgeon at East Carolina University and a spokesman for the American College of Cardiology, agreed with Clinton's doctors that the president had been in a dangerous state leading up to the operation.

"Within the next couple of weeks, something was going to happen," he said.

Former US President Clinton jogs in Washington in this Sept. 15, 1994 file photo. Clinton had a successful quadruple heart bypass operation Monday, Sept. 6, 2004 to relieve clogged arteries, three days after checking himself into the hospital complaining of chest pain and shortness of breath. [AP/File]
Doctors delayed surgery until Monday because Clinton was on the blood-thinning medication Plavix, and waiting a few days decreased the chance of excessive bleeding, they said.

During the operation, Clinton's heart was stopped and he was put on a heart-lung machine for 73 minutes. That process, used for more than 75 percent of bypass patients, carries a small risk of stroke and neurological complications.

Clinton was described as upbeat in the days before the surgery, resting with his wife and daughter. One New York Post photo showed the former president reaching for a Boggle game near his hospital room window.

Clinton has blamed his heart problems in part on genetics — there is a history of heart disease in his mother's family — but also said he "may have done some damage in those years when I was too careless about what I ate."

He was lampooned during his presidency for his inability to resist fatty fast food, but he was also an avid jogger during his two terms in the White House. In recent months he has appeared much slimmer. He has said he cut out junk food, begun working out and adopted the low-carbohydrate, low-fat South Beach diet.

Clinton had planned to campaign for Sen. John Kerry, the Democratic nominee for president, but the recovery from surgery will take him off the stump — at least for now — with just two months left until the election.

More than 45,000 get-well wishes have poured in for Clinton, including tens of thousands of e-mails sent to the Web site of his presidential library.

"You are surrounded by cherished family, friends and a nation that adores you and prays for your full and complete recovery," wrote Toni Maryanna Rossi. "You'll be jogging 5 miles a day in no time."

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