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Updated: 2004-09-16 16:58

Yi Ming's bruise-up unrelated to Vicki Zhao



Yi Ming's bruise-up unrelated to Vicki Zhao

Celebrated Chinese stylist Yi Ming, who was severely beaten up by two men on Sunday night (Sept. 12), said the incident had nothing to do with the popular film star Vicki Zhao.

The stylist made his first comments on the event Tuesday after three days of silence.

Yi Ming, who recently worked with Vicki Zhao in the film Jade Goddess, was rumoured to be the boyfriend of the "Warriors of Heaven and Earth" heroine recently.

Zhao Wei's manager Chen Rong accepted an interview and stated that Vicki sympathized with Yi Ming, but doesn't need to be involved in the aftermath of the event.

The star is currently busy preparing to film a music video for her new album. Afterwards, she plans to start working on film projects.  



stylist: someone who cuts or beautifies (设计师,造型师;自成流派者, 文体家)

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