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Updated: 2004-09-17 14:18

"Perfect Show" rocks Beijing tonight



"Perfect Show" rocks Beijing tonight
The charity concert, Perfect Show, Shi Quan Shi Mei in Mandarin, will be staged at the Beijing Worker's Stadium tonight(Friday).

A grand press conference was held Thursday afternoon to do some final promotion, with the popular Taiwan singers Jay Chou, Will Pan and singing group Energy showing up.

Jay Chou said he would sing five songs at the concert, including the theme song in his latest album, Qi Li Xiang.

Taiwan youth idol Jerry Yan, Jolin Tsai and the Three-girls band S.H.E will also team up to perform at tonight's charity concert. 



theme song: a melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio/tv program(主题曲,主打歌)

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