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15th Nanjing business fair launched
By Huo Weian (chinadaily.com.cn)
Updated: 2004-09-21 13:46

The 15th Nanjing Golden Autumn Economic and Trade Fair, accompanied by the 2004 Nanjing Golden Autumn Expo, was launched September 19 in Nanjing of East China's Jiangsu Province, one of the country's industrial powerhouses.

Over 2,000 business people from some 40 countries and areas, as well as many foreign diplomats from South America, Europe and Southeast Asia, attended the opening ceremony at the Nanjing International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Shown in the picture is the opening ceremony of the 2004 Nanjing Golden Autumn Economic & Trade Fair, which was kicked off September 19 at the Nanjing International Convention and Exhibition Center.[chinadaily.com.cn]

"The event aims to boost the local economic globalization while contributing to the province's opening up in an all-round way," said Zhang Weiguo, vice-governor of Jiangsu at the ceremony.

The 15th annual business fair has been revamped to combine inviting outside investments with expanding international economic and technical cooperation between Nanjing and foreign countries. Nearly 50 special events, including project negotiations, signing ceremonies and summit forums, were held during the three-day fair.

Statistics show that business people and delegations who are first-time attendees account for more than 60 percent of the participants, indicating the growing influence of the fair.

According to Nanjing Vice Mayor Jin Daoqiang, the 2004 business fair will place more emphasis on the local pillar industries, such as the petrochemical, automotive and information industries, as well as on modern service and high-tech industries.

Jin also indicated that the local government will raise investments on infrastructure construction and improve both the natural and social environments of the city over the next few years.

As a modern, dynamic, and open metropolis, Nanjing is renowned for its rich culture, long history and beautiful landscape. Well-developed in its trade and commerce, the city as a business center in the Yangtze River delta, is second only to Shanghai Municipality.

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